Location Hire
The museum has an unusual selection of spaces available for hire. These are available for all sorts of uses. All income generated from location hire goes towards the museum's operations and upkeep.
If you are interested in any of our offerings, please get into contact with details of your enquiry. Our rates are negotiable and we try to be as flexible as possible.
Victoria Line Tube Carriage
Our 1967 tube stock Victoria Line carriage is very popular with film makers and photographers. It is perfectly equipped for this with working lights and doors. The 67 tube stock ended service in 2011 so it still has a modern tube look. It is very similar to the 1972 tube stock used on the Bakerloo Line today.

‘Vintage’ Victoria Line ‘Half-Tube’ Carriage
This tube carriage is similar to our first one but had an accident before it was refurbished. In fact, both are 1967 Tube stock carriages. It has since been faithfully restored by our volunteers to its original condition. This makes it ideal for a 'vintage' and or a derelict look. The carriage is about half its original size as a damaged section of it has been removed.

Victoria Line Cab
The cab is from a 1967 tube stock carriage (the same as our main carriage). The cab is standalone and stands in front of our vintage-style carriage.

Victorian Pump House (The Pumphouse)
The original grade II listed pump house is the main museum building and is suitable for photography where a Victorian style of building is wanted. The original steam engines are still intact within and can be run on compressed air on request. A working, early 20th century styled, line-shaft driven workshop is also located within.